2024 JRS Coding School Sponsorship Levels
The Harbor Entrepreneur Center offers the JRS Coding School at our eWall Street location in Mount Pleasant.
The coding school is a 14-week intensive full-stack development curriculum and is one of only two independent coding schools certified by the South Carolina Department of Education. In 14 short weeks, JRS graduates fully qualified, junior-level developers to fill one of the most highly sought-after skill sets in the region. The school is perfect for companies looking to rapidly upgrade the skills of current employees and new hires, recent high school and college graduates, and for anyone looking to make a career change. Sponsor JRS Coding School and position your brand in support of providing this critical economic development tool to the Charleston community.
Speaking Opportunities
Every Event
(Accelerator, Forum, Annual Retreat) - JRS Coding School
- Graduation Expos (3)
- Cohort Classes (3)
- Mall Window
- Interior HEC
- Every Event
- Accelerator Interviews
- Mentor Orientation
- Experts Open House
- Investor Day and Pitch
- Final Pitch
- March 17 (EO Charleston)
- April 12
- May 19 (Riverdogs)
- August 16
- October 22
- Ticket* to annual retreat
- Tickets (2) to Founders Ball
- Graduation Expos (3)
Logos On
- Newsletter
- Web Site
- Promo Emails
Speaking Opportunities
- JRS Coding School
- Graduation Expos (3)
- Cohort Classes (3)
- Founders Ball
- Interior HEC
- JRS Training Room
- Happy Hours
- Final Pitch Event
- March 17 (EO Charleston)
- April 12
- May 19 (Riverdogs)
- August 16
- October 22
- Ticket* to Annual Retreat
- Tickets (2) to Founders Ball
- Speaking Opportunity
- Graduation Expos (3)
- Cohort Classes (3)
Logos On
- Newsletter
- Web Site
- Promo Emails
Speaking Opportunities
- JRS Coding School
- Cohort Classes (3)
- Interior HEC
- JRS Training Room
- Final Pitch Event
- March 17 (EO Charleston)
- April 12
- May 19 (Riverdogs)
- August 16
- October 22
- Ticket* to Annual Retreat
- Tickets (2) to Founders Ball
Logos On
- Newsletter
- Web Site
- Promo Emails (If event sponsor)
- JRS Training Room
- Final Pitch
- March 17 (EO Charleston)
- April 12
- May 19 (Riverdogs)
- August 16
- October 22
- Ticket to Founders Ball
Logos On
- Newsletter
- Web Site
- Promo Emails (If event sponsor)